Why Do You Need Dental Implants?

Why Do You Need Dental Implants?

Aug 01, 2022

Dental implants have revolutionized the way dentists treat missing teeth and the issue associated with them. They include a fake tooth root in the jawbone. It creates a robust foundation for the replacement tooth. With proper care, implants also provide a lifetime of support.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Not every individual is a good candidate for dental implants in Heath, TX.

But if you have the following, you are:

a) Enough Bone Density

A strong jaw and enough bone density are essential when anchoring the dental implant. Individuals with bone loss in the jawbone can still get the procedure. However, they will need other dental procedures to create their jawbone.

b) Zero Tobacco Use

Tobacco and smoking prevent healing in the mouth. It increases the failure of dental implants. So, if you use fewer tobacco products, you are a perfect candidate for the process.

c) Healthy Gums

The dentist in Rockwall, TX suggests healthy gums for the dental implant to work. So, if you have periodontal disease and other gum infections, you are not appropriate for the procedure.

d) Good Oral Hygiene and Health

Dental implants are the best if you are highly devoted to taking care of your oral hygiene and health. It includes regular follow-up dental visits and daily flossing and brushing of teeth. Infections and dental problems could hinder dental implant surgery.

e) Less Bruxism

Constant clenching and grinding of teeth put excess pressure on the dental implants. It can cause failure in the end.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost, On Average?

The total price of the implant differs depending on each patient’s case. Few will require one implant, while others may need complete implants. The rate of one implant is $1500 to $6000. You can expect to pay between $1500 to $50,000 for multiple implants.

However, for full mouth dental implants, you need to spend around $34,000. To determine how much the implant will cost, you can set up an initial consultation with the dentist 75032 today.

What Are the Risks Associated with Dental Implants?

You can expect the following complications after getting the implants:

a) Nerve Damage

Tooth implants can also result in damaging the nerves. This rare complication can result in a tingling sensation or numbness, and pain in the lips, gums, teeth, or chin.

b) Peri-Implantitis

Getting peri-implantitis is also a dental implant complication. It’s a disease that affects the nearby bones and gums. It can result in loss of bone and can make the tooth implant lose.

c) Gum Diseases

Dental implant procedures are more prone to failure if you have gum diseases before the surgery. The advanced stage of gum disease can lead to jawbone damage. It impacts the result of the treatment badly.

d) Failure to Integrate

Failure of osseointegration is another complication of implants. Not having enough stability can fail dental implants. When the jawbone near the dental implant starts blending with it, it provides support to the implant.

e) Fracture or Breakage

It is an aesthetic complication that cannot be addressed easily. Fractures or breakage of the implant can be recovered by eliminating the abutment screw and replacing the implant.

f) Excess Loss of Bone

People with implants also suffer from excessive loss of bone in the treated area. It minimizes the stability and results in black triangles between teeth. This makes it tough to maintain teeth clean.

g) Other Infections

Infection can also occur in the tooth implanted region. It can be in the form of inflammation, fistula, abscess, radiolucency, or suppuration. It can also spread to other areas and result in a systemic infection.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last On Average?

The tooth implant has durability between 20-30 years. It usually depends on how well you care for your teeth and oral hygiene after the procedure.

How Often will you need to Visit Your Dentist for Checkups/Cleanings Post-Surgery?

Get regular checkups and cleanings at least every six months. If you have a history of periodontal disease, you will require implant maintenance and periodontal maintenance every three months. The exact frequency of checkups and cleanings after implant surgery at Arc 32 Family Dentistry relies on:

  • Medical history.
  • Your unique case.
  • What does the periodontal expert suggest?
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